Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa... PUSTAKA INDONESIA
Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa
Jakarta, 1912- 2012 on Film- Tempo Doeloe, Indonesia
Indonesia- The Old City of Batavia 1938- Kota Tua
The Revitalization of Kota Tua
Kawasan Kota Tua seluas 284 hektar sedang direvitalisasi dengan tujuan akhir menjadi tujuan wisata sejarah dan budaya berkelas internasional dengan nuansa tradisi lokal. Kegiatan revitalisasi secara resmi dimulai Maret lalu oleh Gubernur Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dengan menggelar festival kuliner dan kesenian.
Sebanyak 85 gedung peninggalan Belanda akan direvitalisasi dengan berbagai kegiatan usaha dan seni yang akan mendukung kawasan sebagai tujuan wisata untuk turis mancanegara maupun nusantara.
"Kawasan ini memiliki potensi yang sangat besar dibandingkan kawasan serupa di negara lain. Jika semua pihak bekerja sama, baik perorangan, perusahaan swasta maupun BUMN dan pemerintah provinsi DKI, maka akan terwujud," kata Jokowi saat membuka festival kuliner di halaman Museum Fatahillah sebagai tanda dimulainya revitalisasi Kota Tua.
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SD Darmono: 280 Old Buildings to Be Restored in Jakarta Old Town
ACCORDING to Chairman of the Board of Trustee for PT Pembangunan Kota Tua Jakarta S.D. Darmono said the consortium has recorded more than 280 old buildings to be restored in the Old Town area. In addition to the restoration of old buildings, the consortium will also modernize the rundown buildings that not included into cultural heritage.
"The modernization aims to ‘revive' the Old Town which was able to contribute to create new job opportunities for the surrounding community. The consortium will utilize all the potential to build festivals, museums, educational facilities, or all sorts of things that could revive the area," he said.
He explained that related to financing, initially the consortium has provided an endowment fund valuing US$16.5 million. This endowment fund, should not be depleted and must be managed to maintain a sustainable financing.
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Next in Old Town plan: Sunda Kelapa Port
The historical Sunda Kelapa Port will be the first site to receive a face lift in the Old Town (Kota Tua) revitalization program.
The plan follows the rebirth of the old Pos Indonesia building as a new gallery, the Jakarta Art Space.
The Jakarta Old Town Revitalization Corporation (JOTRC), a consortium of private and state-owned enterprises including state port operator Pelindo II, has agreed to make the trading port a proper tourism site.
JOTRC chairman Lin Che Wei said on Tuesday that Pelindo II, also known as IPC, had signed an agreement to become a founding member of the JOTRC and a cultural group, the Jakarta Endowment for Art and Heritage (Jeforah), and to play its part in the revitalization of the 33-hectare port in North Jakarta.
"The company also agreed to fund the port makeover master plan,"
he said.
According to Lin, JOTRC and IPC will begin other projects that will kick start the Sunda Kelapa Port program.
Sunda Kelapa is the city's oldest port and serves inter-island ships. However, IPC, the port operator, has yet to tap into the true potential of the port, leaving it messy, unclean and fetid because of the pungent, polluted sea.
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